Friday, January 20, 2012

{lemon love}

Lemons are playing a prominent role in our dishes these days.  This time of year really needs lemon's spark and it's cleansing abilities.  I keep one on the cutting board most days to add slices to water, tea, salads and fish dishes.

Here are some of the dishes that we hope to try soon:
::  This drink by Leon via Simply Cooked because we've had a rough weak, healthwise
::  Lamb Stew

I can't think of the last time that I made lemon bars and I'm looking for an interesting new recipe (maybe with a gluten free shortbread as it's base?).

What ingredient is prominent in your cooking these days?


  1. Such a lovely photo. I love lemons too-love them! Thanks for stopping by my space. It was nice to "meet" you.

    Ang (peach coglo)

  2. Your blog is simply gorgeous, & stunning photos!
